Contact Your Senators in Support of the National Archives

National Archives
National Archives, Washington, DC

The Records Preservation and Access Coalition wants to thank The National Coalition for History (NCH) for the information in this post. NCH has worked with Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Dan Sullivan (R-AK) to seek support for additional funding in the upcoming fiscal year (FY) 2022 budget for the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC).

Senators Warren and Sullivan have circulated a bi-partisan “Dear Colleague” letter to their fellow senators urging them to show their support. The letter will be sent to the chair and ranking member of the Senate Financial Services Appropriations Subcommittee which has jurisdiction over NARA and the NHPRC’s budgets. Please visit to see the “Dear Colleague” letter which has already been sent to all senators.

NCH is requesting the Senate Appropriations Committee to provide at least $433 million for NARA’s operating expenses in FY22 and at least $13 million for the NHPRC. NARA’s operating expenses budget in constant dollars has remained stagnant for over a decade, even as its responsibilities have increased. We need you to contact your two US senators and ask them to sign on to the letter in support of additional funding for NARA and the NHPRC.

The simple truth is senators are unlikely to sign on to the NARA “Dear Colleague” letter unless they are asked to do so by their constituents! Please help us in this effort by reaching out to your senators and asking them to sign on.

How to Contact Your Senator

Please contact your US senators by 5:00 pm EDT, 28 May 2021 using one of the following options. No matter which means of communication you choose, please personalize your message as to which NARA records are important to you and whether you are a family history researcher, professional genealogists, forensic genealogists, or other interest in history or archives. If you are employed in the field, mention the institution where you work in your State. You can also use the Dear Colleague letter as talking points.

1. Send a pre-written message directly to your two US Senators. Our colleagues at the National Humanities Alliance (NHA) have created a concise email that goes directly to both your senators. You can add additional language if you want, however we have made it as easy as possible for you to have an impact. Click here to go to the NHA website, fill in basic contact information, hit send and your message is on its way. When you enter your zip code the system directs your letter to the senators from your state automatically.

2. Make a phone call. All US senators can be reached through the US Capitol switchboard at (202)224-3121. If you feel comfortable doing so, make a phone call. If you speak to a staff member, be sure to get their name and email address so you can forward them a copy of the National Archives/NHPRC Dear Colleague letter. If you get voicemail leave a message and ask them to “support the Warren/Sullivan letter and increased funding for NARA and the NHPRC.”

To sign on or for more information, tell the senator’s staff person to contact Ms. Jessica Wong [email protected] in Senator Warren’s office. Do not send your own correspondence to Ms. Wong.


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Jan Alpert

Chair of the Records Preservation and Access Committee, former president and board member of the National Genealogical Society, and chair of the NGS conference committee.

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